How to Install a Setup

This guide teaches users who are very new to Minecraft servers how to install a setup. We will go through the installation step by step, and also the choices you have to make.


Setting Up a Minecraft Server

1. Choosing Your Host

If you're new to Minecraft servers, using a public host is recommended for a hassle-free experience. We'll use SparkedHost for this guide, but other good options include PebbleHost and BlookHost. Aim for at least 4-8GB RAM for smooth performance.

2. Download Setup and Dependencies

  • Visit BuiltByBit or Polymart to download the server setup.

  • Unzip the downloaded folder to get the necessary files.

3. Uploading Files to Your Host

  1. Download FileZilla: Click here

  2. Open FileZilla and enter your FTP/Host details (Host, Username, Port) from your hosting panel.

  3. Navigate to the server directory on the left side.

  4. Delete existing files if any.

  5. Upload the unzipped setup files to the designated area (marked in red).

4. Select Server JAR

Most hosts allow you to select a server JAR through their site. Choose the server version specified in your setup, and opt for Paper for stability.

5. Start Your Server

If all steps are completed correctly:

  1. Wait: Starting the server may take up to 60 seconds depending on your host.

  2. Troubleshoot: If the server doesn't start, contact support on our Discord.

Important Info

  • This guide provides a general overview. Refer to individual setup installation guides for specific instructions.

  • Ensure to follow the installation steps outlined in the purchased setup.

Last updated